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The Science Behind Sleep Teas: How Ingredients Like Chamomile Work


If you struggle to get a good night's sleep, you're probably searching for products that will help you fall into a deep slumber. Even a quick search will point you in the direction of ingredients like chamomile; small, daisy-like flowers that are known for their sleep-inducing properties. Most commonly found in the form of tea, you have likely considered incorporating a cup into your evening routine. But what's the science behind sleep teas? How do sleep tea ingredients like chamomile actually work? And what ingredients should you be looking out for?

Rest assured that we have you covered. Here's everything you need to know.

Using Sleep Teas to Relax and Unwind

Sleep teas are formulated specifically to promote relaxation. Ingredients in a sleep tea have been chosen because of their calming properties, and when accompanied by the warmth of the water, your body starts to unwind and prepare for sleep. Whether you struggle to fall asleep, struggle to stay asleep, struggle to achieve a deep sleep or other, it's natural to look at products that could help to improve your sleep quality. Incorporating a sleep tea into your bedtime routine could be the habit you need to break the spell of insomnia. Many of the ingredients that you'll find in sleep teas have been used to treat poor sleep for centuries. From chamomile to valerian root, lavender to rose petals, there are several ingredients that you should look out for.

Let's Dig Deeper into Common Sleep Tea Ingredients


Widely regarded as a sleep-inducer, chamomile is often treated as a mild tranquiliser to help improve sleep quality. It contains a flavonoid called apigenin that binds to the receptor in the brain that promotes relaxation. The result? A calmer nervous system and a reduction in anxiety, both of which contribute to a better night's sleep. With countless scientific studies proving the effectiveness of chamomile in improving sleep hygiene, it's a key ingredient to look out for in any sleep tea.


Passionflower works in a similar manner to chamomile, boosting the neurotransmitter in the brain that promotes calm. Less known than other common ingredients found in sleep teas, you shouldn't underestimate the effectiveness of passionflower. Studies have proven this ingredient to improve the sleep quality of those with mild insomnia time and time again.


A popular ingredient for those looking to relax and unwind, lavender is used in a variety of forms including essential oils and sleep teas. Associated with reducing your anxiety levels, lowering your heart rate, and improving sleep quality overall, it's another key ingredient to look out for in sleep teas. Just like chamomile and passionflower, lavender also stimulates the receptors in your brain that are responsible for relaxation.

Lemon balm

With records dating back over 2000 years crediting lemon balm for its sleep-inducing properties, it's been well documented as an aid for those struggling with sleep quality. So it comes as no surprise that sleep teas are still incorporating lemon balm today. It too stimulates the transmitter in the brain that induces relaxation. This, combined with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, make it a great ingredient if you're looking to promote a sense of calm in the body. If you opt for a sleep tea that contains lemon balm, you're in safe hands.

Learn More About the Neurotransmitter That Promotes Sleep

The main transmitter responsible for inducing sleep is called GABA or Gamma-Aminobutyric acid, an amino acid that's produced naturally in the brain. It facilitates communication among brain cells and works to reduce activity in the brain and nervous system, which increases relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes sleep.

It's widely known within the scientific community that the activation of GABA receptors aids sleep. So stimulating these receptors as you wind down and prepare for bed is the key to switching off and falling into a restful slumber. With low GABA activity associated with both disturbed sleep and insomnia, this could be the cause of your drop in sleep quality.

As discovered earlier, sleep teas contain ingredients that stimulate your GABA receptors such as chamomile. Incorporating these ingredients into your evening routine could lead to the effective boost in sleep quality that you need.

Getting Into the Habit of Consuming Sleep Teas

If you have decided to give sleep teas a try, then it's important to choose an optimal product. You should carefully consider the ingredients, looking for those outlined in this blog. When shopping around, look for a combination of ingredients as this will provide better effects than a single ingredient alone. Get the rest that you need by sourcing a quality sleep tea.

And when you have found the right sleep tea to try, it's important to consider your routine to get optimal results. You should start to unwind, consuming your tea 30 to 60 minutes before bed to give your GABA receptors time to activate. For best results, you could look at other relaxation techniques such as reading or meditation to really help your mind and body to unwind.

Remember, as with anything, consistency is key. It goes without saying that your sleep problems won't be solved overnight, unless your insomnia is particularly mild. But with regular consumption, and the habit will develop. With a consistent bedtime routine, your body and mind will associate this period of restfulness with sleep and prepare for slumber. Combine the habit with the GABA stimulating ingredients found in a sleep tea and you'll be onto a winner.

Find High-Quality, Organic Tea at Teavision

Quieting your body and mind before bed can sometimes be difficult. Promote a restful night's sleep by incorporating a sleep tea. Not only do the ingredients contribute to relaxation, you will also benefit from a healthy bedtime routine.

For high quality, organic sleep teas, such as chamomile teas, look no further than Teavision. Grown organically and sourced directly from ethical farms, you'll enjoy quality ingredients that are both rich in taste and full of nutrients. Don't suffer with poor sleep quality night after night. Change your routine, incorporate a sleep tea from our range and see how the quality improves.

Find your favourite by shopping with Teavision today.

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  • Lucas Ruzicka
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